[2005-04-28] ** PROBLEM alert - hastio is WARNING **
2005-04-28 04:39:03 UTC
***** RemSaint *****

Remailer: hastio
Type 1 rel: 97.23
Type 2 rel: 96.87

Date/Time: Thu Apr 28 04:39:02 2005
Additional Info:

Type 1:
aarg: hastio 121212222222 1:02 +++++++++9+6 96.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 122211211111 :57 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 221221211112 1:01 +++++++++++6 97.4% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 121212211211 1:01 +++++++++++6 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ???????11122 :58 ???????++++5 89.7% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
austria: hastio 1312223212?1 1:17 ++++++++++?5 96.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 121111212111 :59 +++++++++++6 97.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
bikikii: hastio 6422228222?? 2:32 8+++++++++00 90.8% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
chicago: hastio 121212221112 1:01 +++++++++++6 97.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio 12121???1111 :54 +++++???+++6 92.8% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
dingo: hastio 121121211211 :59 +++++++++++6 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
equars: hastio 121112211111 :58 +++++++++++7 98.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 222221322222 1:11 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 121211211111 :59 +++++++++++6 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
hermes: hastio 121221211111 :58 ++9++++++++6 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 171122212211 1:27 +++++++++++3 95.4% RHG XATLEUIN9
paranoia: hastio 122211221111 1:00 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 121121211121 :59 +++++++++++6 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 121222212111 1:01 +++++++++++6 97.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 132121311112 1:11 +++++++++++5 96.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 222211221112 1:01 +++++++++++6 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9

Type 2:
aarg: hastio 121212222211 1:00 ++++++9++++5 96.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 122212211111 :58 +++++++++++6 97.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 121212211221 1:01 +++9+++++++5 96.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 132222222212 1:13 +++++++++++6 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ???????11221 :58 ???????++++4 85.2% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
austria: hastio 1222222111?2 1:08 ++++++++++?5 95.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 121112211211 :58 +++++++++++6 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
bikikii: hastio 6422228222?? 2:31 8+++++++++00 90.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
chicago: hastio 222121211121 1:01 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio 6D6??????432 3:52 ++500????8+7 85.5% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
dingo: hastio 122421231212 1:26 +++++++++++6 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
equars: hastio 222211211111 :59 +++++++++++7 98.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 122221311121 1:03 +++++++++++6 96.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 122222212122 1:00 +++++++++++6 97.4% RHG XATLEUIN9
hermes: hastio 222212211111 :59 +++++++++++6 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 32?522???511 2:15 +307++0007+3 54.5% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
paranoia: hastio 122222211211 1:03 +++++++++++6 97.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 222221212111 1:03 +++++++++++5 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 121211221221 1:01 +++++++++++6 97.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 142221322112 1:23 +++++++++++5 96.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 221211222111 1:02 +++++++++++7 98.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
If you have problems please contact the operator at <***@palfrader.org>.
2005-04-28 11:09:03 UTC
***** RemSaint *****

Remailer: hastio
State: OK
Type 1 rel: 98.39
Type 2 rel: 98.38

Date/Time: Thu Apr 28 11:09:02 2005
Additional Info:

Type 1:
aarg: hastio 121212222224 1:04 ++++++++9++8 98.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 122211211115 :59 +++++++++++8 98.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 221221211117 1:02 +++++++++++8 98.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 121221211215 1:11 +++++++++++5 95.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ???????11127 2:01 ???????++++9 98.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
austria: hastio 221222322216 1:38 +++++++++++9 99.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 121211212114 1:00 +++++++++++8 99.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
bikikii: hastio 7422256222?? 2:34 8++++++++800 87.8% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
chicago: hastio 122212211114 1:03 +++++++++++8 99.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio 121?1???1116 :58 +++?+???+++8 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
cside: hastio 122212221113 1:05 +++++++++++8 98.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
dingo: hastio 121121211216 1:19 +++++++++++8 98.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
equars: hastio 121212211111 :59 +++++++++++5 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 222222222226 1:11 +++++++++++6 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 221211211114 1:00 +++++++++++7 98.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
hermes: hastio 121221211116 1:00 +9+++++++++8 99.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 17112221221A 1:50 +++++++++++6 97.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
paranoia: hastio 122212211116 1:02 +++++++++++7 98.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 121221211114 1:00 +++++++++++8 98.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 121222211112 1:01 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 132121311117 1:42 ++++++++++++ 100.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 221211221114 1:02 +++++++++++7 98.6% RHG XATLEUIN9

Type 2:
aarg: hastio 121212222217 1:02 +++++9+++++8 98.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 122211211114 :58 +++++++++++8 99.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 222221211225 1:02 +++9+++++++8 98.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 132222222212 1:14 +++++++++++3 94.4% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ???????11218 2:15 ???????++++9 98.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
austria: hastio 232221211126 1:25 +++++++++++8 98.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 121112211216 1:00 +++++++++++8 99.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
bikikii: hastio 6422266222?? 2:33 8++++++++800 87.8% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
chicago: hastio 221211211217 1:04 +++++++++++8 98.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio 6D6?????643A 4:05 ++4?0???3++7 88.0% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
cside: hastio 222221312122 1:09 +++++++++++6 97.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
dingo: hastio 122421231127 1:43 +++++++++++6 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
equars: hastio 122211211122 :59 +++++++++++5 96.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 221221311128 1:06 +++++++++++7 98.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 222212212117 1:02 +++++++++++9 99.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
hermes: hastio 222221211116 :59 +++++++++++7 98.4% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 22?422???51A 2:41 +30++7000++6 56.8% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
paranoia: hastio 122222221114 1:06 ++++++++++++ 100.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 221221221214 1:05 +++++++++++8 99.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 122112221212 1:02 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 142221321217 1:55 ++++++++++++ 100.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 221221222113 1:03 +++++++++++8 98.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
If you have problems please contact the operator at <***@palfrader.org>.
2005-05-03 01:39:03 UTC
***** RemSaint *****

Remailer: hastio
Type 1 rel: 97.02
Type 2 rel: 96.88

Date/Time: Tue May 3 01:39:03 2005
Additional Info:

Type 1:
aarg: hastio 221221221111 1:01 ++++9++++++6 97.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 121111221111 :54 +++++++++++5 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 221111221111 :57 +++++++++++6 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 221121342111 1:20 +++++++++++6 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ??1112531121 1:34 ??+++++++++5 95.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
austria: hastio 232122621111 1:37 +++++++++++5 96.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 221221221111 :57 +++++++++++5 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
bikikii: hastio 292221?62122 2:08 +++++20++++6 89.9% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
chicago: hastio 222111221112 :58 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio ????11221111 :53 ????+++++++5 96.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
cside: hastio 122111221112 :59 +++++++++++5 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
dingo: hastio 121111441112 1:20 +++++++++++6 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
equars: hastio 222111131111 :57 +++++++++++7 98.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 132222222121 1:06 +++++++++++6 97.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 121111221111 :57 +++++++++++6 97.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
gurski: hastio 1211112????1 :57 +++++++????3 93.8% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
hermes: hastio 221111221111 :57 +++++++++++5 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 221221541112 1:26 +++++++++++5 95.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
paranoia: hastio 122111221212 :58 +++++++++++6 97.4% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 121111222111 :59 +++++++++++5 97.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 221211222111 1:00 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 231111631111 1:29 +++++++++++5 96.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 122111221112 1:00 +++++++++++5 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9

Type 2:
aarg: hastio 222221221111 1:02 +9+++++++++6 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 121112121111 :58 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 221112222111 :59 +++++++9+++6 96.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 222221441111 1:27 +++++++++++6 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ??1122641121 1:39 ??+++++++++5 94.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
austria: hastio 221110732111 1:29 +++++++++++6 96.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 221121221111 :56 +++++++++++5 96.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
bikikii: hastio 2A2222?62222 2:12 +++++20++++6 89.9% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
chicago: hastio 221112121211 :56 +++++++++++5 96.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio ????34543333 2:49 ????8++++++5 95.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
cside: hastio 122221222111 1:04 +++++++++++5 97.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
dingo: hastio 233121442111 1:37 +++++++++++6 97.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
equars: hastio 121111231111 :52 +++++++++++6 97.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 232112222322 1:06 +++++++++++6 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 221211221111 1:00 +++++++++++6 97.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
gurski: hastio 1211212????1 :59 +++++++????4 94.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
hermes: hastio 121111221112 :59 +++++++++++6 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 21??71542212 2:11 +2006++++++5 67.4% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
paranoia: hastio 221111221111 1:00 +++++++++++5 96.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 122221221121 1:01 +++++++++++7 97.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 122122222111 1:02 +++++++++++5 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 232211631111 1:33 +++++++++++5 96.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 121211221121 :58 +++++++++++6 97.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
If you have problems please contact the operator at <***@palfrader.org>.
2005-05-03 17:09:03 UTC
***** RemSaint *****

Remailer: hastio
Type 1 rel: 91.92
Type 2 rel: 91.85

Date/Time: Tue May 3 17:09:02 2005
Additional Info:

Type 1:
aarg: hastio 22222141111? 1:01 +++9++++++80 92.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 22111151111? :54 ++++++++++80 92.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 22121261111? :57 ++++++++++80 92.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 12111161111? 1:20 +++++++++++0 91.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ?1111272121? 1:34 ?+++++++++90 89.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
austria: hastio 23212161111? 1:36 ++++++++++90 90.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 22221141111? :57 ++++++++++80 92.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
bikikii: hastio A3222?82222? 2:10 ++++70++++90 82.8% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
chicago: hastio 22111132111? :58 ++++++++++80 92.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio ???21161111? :53 ???+++++++80 91.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
cside: hastio 22221121111? 1:04 ++++++++++80 92.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
dingo: hastio 22111161111? 1:21 +++++++++++0 91.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
equars: hastio 221111411112 :57 +++++++++++0 93.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 22222232121? 1:06 +++++++++++0 93.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 22211151111? :57 ++++++++++81 92.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
gurski: hastio 221121H???1? :57 +++++++???61 82.4% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
hermes: hastio 22111142111? :56 ++++++++++80 92.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 22121160111? 1:26 ++++++++++70 88.3% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
paranoia: hastio 22111151211? :58 ++++++++++80 92.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 22111242111? :59 ++++++++++80 91.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 22121152111? :59 ++++++++++80 92.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 23111271111? 1:30 +++++++++++0 90.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 22211141112? 1:01 ++++++++++80 92.1% RHG XATLEUIN9

Type 2:
aarg: hastio 22221161111? 1:02 9+++++++++90 92.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 22111121111? :58 ++++++++++80 91.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 21112251111? :59 +++++++9++90 91.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 22222161211? 1:28 +++++++++++0 91.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ??122272121? 1:39 ??+++++++++0 89.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
austria: hastio 12111272111? 1:29 ++++++++++80 90.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 22121141111? :56 ++++++++++80 91.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
bikikii: hastio A3222?92222? 2:14 ++++70++++90 82.8% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
chicago: hastio 12112131211? :56 ++++++++++81 91.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio ???35383333? 2:49 ???6++++++61 88.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
cside: hastio 22121262111? 1:05 +++++++++++1 93.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
dingo: hastio 22322162111? 1:37 +++++++++++0 91.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
equars: hastio 22111152111? :52 +++++++++++0 93.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 22212182222? 1:06 ++++++++++80 92.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 21122171111? 1:00 +++++++++++0 93.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
gurski: hastio 222111H???1? 1:00 +++++++???61 82.4% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
hermes: hastio 11111172112? :58 ++++++++++90 92.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 2??A2161212? 2:14 5003++++++70 60.4% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
paranoia: hastio 22211131212? 1:00 ++++++++++80 91.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 22221141212? 1:02 ++++++++++91 92.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 22112162111? 1:02 ++++++++++90 92.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 23211171111? 1:33 +++++++++++0 90.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 12211131111? :58 +++++++++++0 93.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
If you have problems please contact the operator at <***@palfrader.org>.
2005-05-04 10:39:03 UTC
***** RemSaint *****

Remailer: hastio
State: OK
Type 1 rel: 97.79
Type 2 rel: 97.87

Date/Time: Wed May 4 10:39:03 2005
Additional Info:

Type 1:
aarg: hastio 2222241111D9 1:06 ++9+++++++87 97.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 2111161111CA :58 ++++++++++98 98.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 2111171111C7 1:02 ++++++++++97 98.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 2112161111C7 3:32 +++++++++++6 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ?111262111C8 3:46 ?+++++++++98 97.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
austria: hastio 3212171111C7 3:46 ++++++++++98 98.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 2121141111D8 1:01 ++++++++++97 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
chicago: hastio 2111141111D9 1:03 ++++++++++98 98.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio ??11151111DA :59 ??++++++++98 97.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
cside: hastio 2211131111D9 1:04 ++++++++++96 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
dingo: hastio 2112162111C9 3:02 ++++++++++66 94.4% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
equars: hastio 2111141111C8 :59 ++++++++++76 95.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 2222261122D5 1:11 +++++++++++9 99.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 2111151111D9 1:02 ++++++++++99 98.4% RHG XATLEUIN9
gurski: hastio 211112????C9 1:03 ++++++????88 94.1% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
hermes: hastio 2111142111D7 1:03 ++++++++++98 98.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio 2122171111D6 3:44 ++++++++++75 93.3% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
paranoia: hastio 2111161111D8 1:02 ++++++++++97 97.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 2111142111D8 1:03 ++++++++++87 96.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 2111152111D7 1:04 ++++++++++88 97.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 3111171111D7 3:43 ++++++++++++ 100.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 2211142111DA 1:04 ++++++++++98 98.0% RHG XATLEUIN9

Type 2:
aarg: hastio 2222162111D7 1:07 ++++++++++98 97.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
amessage: hastio 2111141111D8 1:00 ++++++++++98 98.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
amigo: hastio 2112251111D5 1:03 ++++++9++++7 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
apple2: hastio 2222161211C8 3:36 +++++++++++6 97.2% RHG XATLEUIN9
ath: hastio ?112262112C7 3:47 ?++++++++++8 98.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
austria: hastio 2111282211CA 3:59 ++++++++++++ 100.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
banana: hastio 2112141111DA 1:01 +++++++++++8 99.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
chicago: hastio 2112131111D9 :58 ++++++++++97 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
citrus: hastio ??64374334EA 3:15 ??3+++++++88 95.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
cside: hastio 3121232211D5 1:09 ++++++++++86 96.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
dingo: hastio 2311262111C7 2:59 ++++++++++66 94.4% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
equars: hastio 2111252111D8 :56 ++++++++++85 94.8% RHG XATLEUIN9
frell: hastio 31112A2222DB 1:12 +++++++++++5 96.9% RHG XATLEUIN9
george: hastio 2121171111D6 1:03 +++++++++++9 99.6% RHG XATLEUIN9
gurski: hastio 22111H????CA 1:09 ++++++????99 96.3% RHG XATLEUIN9
hermes: hastio 2111162112D8 1:02 +++++++++++8 99.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
panta: hastio ???5182212DA 6:04 000++++++++7 72.3% RHG XATLEUIN9 [ignored]
paranoia: hastio 2111131212D6 1:03 ++++++++++97 97.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
randseed: hastio 2212141212D8 1:06 +++++++++++8 99.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
rufus: hastio 2212162211D5 1:07 +++++++++++7 98.5% RHG XATLEUIN9
senshi: hastio 3212171111D7 3:49 ++++++++++++ 100.0% RHG XATLEUIN9
zerofree: hastio 2221121112DB 1:02 +++++++++++6 97.7% RHG XATLEUIN9
If you have problems please contact the operator at <***@palfrader.org>.